Articles and miscellanea
Western Europe and the Greek Economy, 1860-1910.
Athens: Modern Hellenic Studies Association Bulletin (2) 1978.
Problems of Causation in History.
Athens: Politis, 17 / May 1978.
The Asia Minor Debacle and the Refugees: Economic Effects, 1922-1936.
Public lecture for the “habilitation” degree, University of Athens, December 1980 (partly revised and published in II/35 below).
Western Models and Balkan Particularities: Modernization and Industrialization in the Balkans, (review article).
Athens: Politis, (39) 1980-1981.
State, Economy and Social Classes in Greece, 1830-1910.
Contributions to the Historical Archive seminars, National Bank of Greece. Acta (limited photocopy edition): Athens 1981-1986.
Economic History: if it exists, what is it about?.
Athens: Modern Hellenic Studies Association Bulletin (5) 1981.
La conjoncture économique du Levant et les capitaux de la diaspora hellénique.
Nice: Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 1981 (in French).
Economic Freedom: Ideology and Reality.
Referäte und Texte des 5. Internationalen Humanistischen Symposiums 1981, Freiheit und Notwendigkeit in der Europaischen Zivilisation, Portaria (Greece) 1981. Acta: Athens 1985.
The Devaluation of the Drachma, 1886-1905: an Appraisal.
Athens: Modern Hellenic Studies Association Bulletin (5) 1981.
The Economy of the Ionian Islands, 1830-1910.
Society of Leucadian Studies, Colloquium September 1982. Acta: Athens 1985.
Interdisciplinarity and History.
Athens: Greek Review of Social Research (44-47) 1982.
Hiérarchies sociales, capitaux et retard économique en Grèce, XVIIIe-XXe siècle.
2e Colloque International d’Histoire, Économies Mediterranéennes: Équilibres et Intercommunications, XIII-XIX siècles, Athènes, Septembre 1983, Centre de Recherches Néo helléniques. Acta: Athènes 1985 (in French).
International Economic Relations and Political Dependence; the Case of Greece, 1824-1878.
Athens: Historica, (1/1) 1983.
The Greek Merchant Marine from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century.
Colloquium Modern Greece in the European Context, New York University, 27-30 October 1983. NB: Previously published (1982-83) in the seminar papers No 5 as above; also presented at the International Economic History Congress, Milano 1994, Session C, see below No 30 (in English).
From Tithe to Income-Tax; Greece, 1830-1940.
Discussion paper, round table on Modern Greece, Princeton University, October 1983. Also presented at the Colloque des Treilles, Var, France, September 1987 (in English)
Consular Reports and International Statistics in the British Parliamentary Papers: a Source of Comparative History, 1836-1914.
Rome: The Journal of European Economic History (19/2) 1990 (in English)
Public Debt and Foreign Policy, Greece 1830-1900.
Athens: Modern Hellenic Studies Association Bulletin (7) 1984.
Social Sciences, History and the Greek Universities.
Athens: Historica, (1-2) 1984.
Entrepreneurs grecs: trois générations, 1770-1900.
Paper presented at the Seminar La culture des négociants, European University Institute, Florence, February 1988. Published in: Angiolini, Fr., Roche, D (eds.) Cultures et formations négociantes dans l’Europe moderne. Paris: E.H.E.S.S, 1995, p.111-130 (in French)
Greek Historiography in the 1970s and 1980s.
Athens: Modern Hellenic Studies Association Bulletin, (11) 1988, reprinted in Synchrona Themata (35, 36, 37) 1988.
A Note on Historical Research in Greece, 1970-1988.
Athens: Synchrona Themata, (35, 36, 37) 1988.
Teaching History in Greece.
Discussion paper. Athens: Synchrona Themata, (35, 36, 37) 1988.
Reforma agraria y poder politico en Grecia.
Murcia: Areas, 12/1990 (in Spanish)
Banking, Public Finance and the Economy: Greece, 1919-1933.
(with K. Kostis), 5ème Colloque historique des Treilles/ European Science Foundation, September 1990. Published in: Ch. Feinstein (ed.), Banking, Currency and Finance in Europe Between the Wars, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995 (in English)
Historical Research in today’s Greece.
Athens: Historica (8/14-15) 1991.
Saving the Remains of the Evidence.
A conference at the University of Athens, twenty four years after the 1967 coup d’État. Athens: Synchrona Themata (14/46-47) 1991.
Terre, paysans et pouvoir économique, Grèce 18e – 20e siècles.
Paris: Annales, E.S.C. 1992/2 (in French)
Terre, paysans et pouvoir politique, Grèce 18e – 20e siècles.
Paris: Annales, E.S.C. 1993/1 (in French)
The New International Disorder.
Paper presented at the 6th International Economic Forum, Athens, 21-23.10.1993, also published in Kathimerini, Athens, November-December 1993.
Capital Flows and Entrepreuneurial Strategies in Southern Europe and the Balkans, 18th-20th Century.
Paper introducing the «C» session directed by G.B.Dertilis, Congress of the International Economic History Association, Milano, September 1994 (in English)
Grecia, ss. XVIII-XX. La tierra, los campesinos y el poder.
in Morilla Critz, J.(ed.) California y el Mediterraneo: estudios de la histioria dos agriculturas competidoras, Madrid: Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentacion, 1995, pp. 371-400 (in Spanish)
Φαντασία πιθανή: Determinism and Contingency in History.
Colloquium in Memoriam of Constantine Th. Dimaras, Athens 29.9-1.10.1993, Acta: Athens, Centre de Recherches Néo-helléniques, 1996.
King Cotton and his Bankers: the National Bank of Greece, the Levant Bank, and the Benakis Cotton Industry in Egypt, 1905-1907.
Colloque des Treilles, Var, September 1996 (in English)
Soil sterility, prices and famine, (review article).
Athens: Historica, 13(24-25)/1996.
Turning Points in Twentieth-Century Greek History.
Athens: Oikonomikos Tachydromos, special millennium edition, January 2000.
Europe civilisée, Europe périphérique, monde sauvage: l’origine moderne de l’identité européenne.
In Hélène Ahrweiler et Maurice Aymard, Les Européens, Paris, Hermann, 2000 (in French).
Strangers’ Drawings: Diaspora Greeks, 1780-1900.
Colloquium Xenos and Xenia in History, organised by the University of Sydney and the St. Andrew’s Theological College. Sydney: May 2000. (in English)
Dette publique et dépenses militaires: la Grèce et la Question d’Orient.
Journées du Centre de Recherches Historiques, EHESS, 2001. Acta: sous la direction de J. Andreau, G. Béaur et J.-Y. Grenier, «La dette publique dans l’histoire». Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Industrie, Paris 2006, p. 395-422 (in French).
Greek shipping: the modernity of a century-old tradition.
Keynote lecture at the Poseidoneia International Conference, Athens, 4 June 2002 (in English)
Dall’emigrazione all’immigrazione: Grecia, 1989-2000.
In Aymard, M. et Barca, F. (a cura di), Conflitti, migrazioni e diritti dell’uomo, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2002 (in Italian)
The Varvaressos Report (1951): Five Constants in Modern Greek History.
In K.Kostis (ed.), The Varvaressos Report and the 1950s, Hellenic Banks Association, Athens 2005.
Silence, Fashion and Obsession in Modern Greek Historiography.
Colloquium The historiography of Modern and Contemporary Greece, 1833-2002, November 2002. Acta: National Research Centre, Athens, 2004, vol. I, p.275-281.
State, Language and Technological Know-how in Greece, 1830-1940.
Keynote lecture, colloquium for the 150 years of the National Technical University of Athens, March 2009.
Economic Crises and the Greek State: a History neither Repetitive nor Instructive.
Annual lecture at the Hellenic Foundation of Defence and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP ), Athens, March 4, 2010 (in Greek)
Kostas Axelos : Le destin de la Grèce moderne et quelques fragments sur la démocratie.
Conference at an evening in memory of Kostas Axelos, Paris, 28 February 2011 (in French)
La crise en Grèce : interroger le passé, penser l’avenir.
Conference at the Institut Français d’Athènes, February 3, 2011. Published in The Athens Review of Books, April 2011 (in Greek)
The Crisis in Greece: a Long-term Political Problem.
Interview in To Vima, Athens, April 30, 2011 (in Greek)
Non-academic publications
Monthly column, To Vima, Athens (Sunday edition, 1993-2002).
Various articles in other dailies and journals.